Results for 'Diverging Mythico-Ritual Syntaxes'

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  1. The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence By Lawrence, David Philosophy East & West V. 48: 4 (1998.10).Diverging Mythico-Ritual Syntaxes - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (4):592-622.
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    The mythico-ritual syntax of omnipotence.David Lawrence - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (4):592-622.
    The use of theories of Sanskrit syntax by Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta to explain the action of monistic Śaiva myth and ritual is examined. These thinkers develop a distinctive approach to syntax that reductionistically emphasizes the role of the true Self/Śiva as omnipotent agent, in opposition to the denigration of agency by the majority of Hindu as well as Buddhist philosophies. An analogy to the Indian discussions is seen in the typological effort of Kenneth Burke's "Grammar of Motives," and it (...)
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    Complementation in linear and dialogic syntax: The case of Hebrew divergently aligned discourse.Yael Maschler & Bracha Nir - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (3):523-557.
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    The Syntax of the verb initial languages.Andrew Carnie & Eithne Guilfoyle (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume contains twelve chapters on the derivation of and the correlates to verb initial word order. The studies in this volume cover such widely divergent languages as Irish, Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Old Irish, Biblical Hebrew, Jakaltek, Mam, Lummi (Straits Salish), Niuean, Malagasy, Palauan, K'echi', and Zapotec, from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives, including Minimalism, information structure, and sentence processing. The first book to take a crosslinguistic comparative approach to verb initial syntax, this volume provides new data to some (...)
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    El ritual en los "Textos de las Pirámides": sintaxis, texto y significado.Antonio J. Morales - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:137-164.
    Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la colección y los contextos originales en los que estos textos aparecieron. La aplicación de la teoría del ritual, principalmente la aproximación de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de análisis e (...)
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  6. Without the Least Tremor: Ritual Sacrifice as Background in the Phaedo.S. M. Ross Romero - 2009 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (2):241-248.
    Sacrifice haunts the Phaedo. In this article, I argue that the mise-en-scène of the death scene of the Phaedo, as well as other sacrificial elements in the background of the dialogue, creates a nexus that positively integrates the birth, philosophical practice, and death of Socrates into the ritualized rhythm of the life of the city of Athens. A close reading of the death scene presented as a synopsis with Walter Burkert’s well-known analysis of Greek sacrifice reveals convergences and divergences between (...)
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    Mahāyāna Buddhist Ritual and Ethical Activity in the World.John J. Makransky - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):54-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 54-59 [Access article in PDF] Buddhist Views on Ritual Pactice Mahayana Buddhist Ritual and Ethical Activity in the World John MakranskyBoston College Society of Buddhist Christian Studies Meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 20, 1998 Contemporary attempts to derive a present-day social ethic from traditional Buddhism usually stem from doctrinal understandings and higher practices of meditation, often overlooking Buddhist ritual practice as a source (...)
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    Feedback Relevance Spaces: Interactional Constraints on Processing Contexts in Dynamic Syntax.Christine Howes & Arash Eshghi - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):331-362.
    Feedback such as backchannels and clarification requests often occurs subsententially, demonstrating the incremental nature of grounding in dialogue. However, although such feedback can occur at any point within an utterance, it typically does not do so, tending to occur at Feedback Relevance Spaces. We present a corpus study of acknowledgements and clarification requests in British English, and describe how our low-level, semantic processing model in Dynamic Syntax accounts for this feedback. The model trivially accounts for the 85% of cases where (...)
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    Sexual selection for syntax and Kin selection for semantics: Problems and prospects.Tadeusz Wieslaw Zawidzki - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (4):453-470.
    The evolution of human language, and the kind of thought the communication of which requires it, raises considerable explanatory challenges. These systems of representation constitute a radical discontinuity in the natural world. Even species closely related to our own appear incapable of either thought or talk with the recursive structure, generalized systematicity, and task-domain neutrality that characterize human talk and the thought it expresses. W. Tecumseh Fitch’s proposal (2004, in press) that human language is descended from a sexually selected, prosodic (...)
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    Signe et signification à l’aune de la dichotomie syntaxe / sémantique.Manuel Gustavo Isaac - 2015 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 16 (HS).
    Cet article a pour objet l’analyse de trois types de théorisations de la signification basées sur un modèle binaire du signe. Celles de Frege, Husserl et Saussure. Relevant d’un même paradigme, les deux premières sont confrontées en tant que s’y développent deux conceptions opposées de la signification – extensionnelle chez Frege, intensionnelle chez Husserl – contribuant à la mise en place, selon des perspectives opposées, de la dualisation de la syntaxe et de la sémantique. Relativement à cette conséquence, leur paradigme (...)
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    The Synthesis of Logicism and Formalism in Carnap’s Logical Syntax of Language.Thomas Oberdan - 1993 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 1:157-168.
    One important achievement Rudolf Carnap claimed for his book, The Logical Syntax of Language, was that it effected a synthesis of two seemingly antithetical philosophies of mathematics, logicism and formalism. Reconciling these widely divergent conceptions had been a goal of Carnap’s for several years. But in the years in which Carnap’s synthesis evolved, important intellectual developments influenced the direction of his efforts and, ultimately, the final outcome. These developments were, first of all, the epoch-making theorems proved by Kurt Gödel, which (...)
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    Diversity of Grammars and Their Diverging Evolutionary and Processing Paths: Evidence From Functional MRI Study of Serbian.Ljiljana Progovac, Natalia Rakhlin, William Angell, Ryan Liddane, Lingfei Tang & Noa Ofen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:326910.
    We address the puzzle of “unity in diversity” in human languages by advocating the (minimal) common denominator for the diverse expressions of transitivity across human languages, consistent with the view that early in language evolution there was a modest beginning for syntax and that this beginning provided the foundation for the further elaboration of syntactic complexity. This study reports the results of a functional MRI experiment investigating differential patterns of brain activation during processing of sentences with minimal versus fuller syntactic (...)
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  13. Filming Dance: Embodied Syntax in Sasha Waltz' S.Helen A. Fielding - 2015 - Paragraph 38 (1):69-85.
    This paper brings Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological approach to Sasha Waltz’s dance film S, which focuses on the relation between sexuality and language. Maintaining that movement in cinema takes place in the viewers and not the film, the paper considers how the visual can be deepened to include the ways we move and are moved. Saussure’s insights into language are brought to the sensible, which is here understood in terms of divergences from norms. Though film would seem to privilege vision, viewing this (...)
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    Business Ethics, Confucianism and the Different Faces of Ritual.Chris Provis - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):191-204.
    Confucianism has attracted some attention in business ethics, in particular as a form of virtue ethics. This paper develops ideas about Confucianism in business ethics by extending discussion about Confucian ideas of ritual. Ritual has figured in literature about organisational culture, but Confucian accounts can offer additional ideas about developing ethically desirable organisational cultures. Confucian ritual practice has diverged from doctrine and from the classical emphasis on requirements for concern and respect as parts of ritual. Despite (...)
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    Humanistic Traditions, East and West: Convergence and divergence.Morimichi Kato - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):23-35.
    The term ‘humanism’ is Western in origin. It denotes the tradition that places special emphasis on cultivation of letters for education. In the West, this tradition was originated with sophists and Isocrates, established by Cicero, and was developed by Renaissance humanists. East Asia, however, also has its own humanistic traditions with equal educational relevance. One of these is a Japanese version of Confucian humanism established by Ogyu Sorai (1666–1728). This tradition is based on the interpretation of Confucius as a lover (...)
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    Rethinking parameters.Luis Eguren, Olga Fernández Soriano & Amaya Mendikoetxea (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This collection of articles provides an overview of current generative theorizing and empirical work on the nature, origin and scope of parameters of linguistic variation. Often taking diverging views, the papers in the volume address some or all of the main debated topics in parametric syntax.
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  17. Hıristiyanlıkta Kutsalın Doğasına Dair Fikir Ayrılığı ve Buna Kilise Babaları'nda Olası bir Çözüm.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Felsefi Düsün 10 (10):337-363.
    This article mainly aims to make an examination over the holy. It has been inquired into how something being ascribed holy can have a meaning in philosophy. As the article's research area, the differences in both opinion and execution which have later divided Christianity into two as Catholic and Orthodox Churches have been selected. The separation of these two churches under the subject titles such as Filioque controversy, the idea of First Among Equals (primas inter pares), and ritual of (...)
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    Language.Roger Scruton - 1997 - In The Aesthetics of Music. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Explores the parallels and divergences between music and language, dismisses certain fashionable semiotic approaches, and tries to show that recent attempts to give a generative theory of musical syntax are fundamentally mistaken. Explores the suggestions that music has syntax and a rule‐guided structure, and argues that these suggestions are based on metaphors. The meaning of a piece of music is given by perception, not by convention.
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    Fronteiras sem'nticas: o dialogismo das linguagens rituais pentecostais e umbandistas – uma análise das expressões gestuais.Valdevino de Albuquerque Júnior - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):514-518.
    O espaço ritual constitui-se num locus sagrado de festa. No palco religioso, o sentimento de reconhecer-se cheio do Esp í rito Santo ou incorporado pelas Entidades reescreve, no pr ó prio corpo do sujeito, a autenticidade de sua tradiçã o mitol ó gica. Simultaneamente, a experi ê ncia religiosa reatualiza o poder dessa tradiçã o. E s ã o v á rias as formas em que a narrativa m í tica emerge, vindo à tona e tornando-se tang ível à (...)
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    Classical Confucian Political Thought: A New Interpretation.Loubna El Amine - 2015 - Oxford: Princeton University Press.
    The intellectual legacy of Confucianism has loomed large in efforts to understand China's past, present, and future. While Confucian ethics has been thoroughly explored, the question remains: what exactly is Confucian political thought? Classical Confucian Political Thought returns to the classical texts of the Confucian tradition to answer this vital question. Showing how Confucian ethics and politics diverge, Loubna El Amine argues that Confucian political thought is not a direct application of Confucian moral philosophy. Instead, contrary to the conventional view (...)
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    The Perils of Content.John Collins - 2009 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):259-289.
    A range of positions persist in the proper interpretation of generative linguistics. The paper responds to recent work in this area that either weakly or strongly diverges from the non-contentful, internalist model presented in Collins (2008a). Against the sympathetic criticisms of Matthews (2008) and Smith (2008), it is argued that a crucial role for content in our understanding of linguistic theories remains obscure, although the discussion here will hopefully clarify the divergence between the parties as merely perspectival. Rey (2008) more (...)
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    A modal sortal logic.Max A. Freund - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 33 (3):237-260.
    An intensional semantic system for languages containing, in their logical syntax, sortal quantifiers, sortal identities, (second-order) quantifiers over sortals and the necessity operator is constructed. This semantics provides non-standard assignments to predicate expressions, which diverge in kind from the entities assigned to sortal terms by the same semantic system. The nature of the entities assigned to predicate expressions shows, at the same time, that there is an internal semantic connection between those expressions and sortal terms. A formal logical system is (...)
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    Yoginīs in the Flesh: Power, Praxis, and the Embodied Feminine Divine.Laura M. Dunn - 2019 - Journal of Dharma Studies 1 (2):287-302.
    The word yoginī is an ambivalent term, generally defined as a female yogin. For the purposes of the University of Hawai′i′s Center for South Asian Studies’ Symposium on the Ineffable in Religion and Ritual, I envisioned the ambivalence of the yoginī as characterized by semantic ineffability. This ineffability is seen in the divergence of definitions and descriptions of the yoginī in text and ethnography. The tantras portray her as flying, blood thirsty, and the object of tantric sex rites; she (...)
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    Literal and Metaphorical uses of Discourse in the Representation of God.William L. Power - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):627-644.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LITERAL AND METAPHORICAL USES OF DISCOURSE IN THE REPRESENTATION OF GOD IN HIS SEMINAL work on the theory of signs, Charles Morris affirms that human beings are " the dominant sign-using animals" and that" the human mind is inseparable from the functioning of signs-if indeed mentality is not to be identified with such functioning." 1 By means of acculturation we learn to use and interpret signs, both linguistic and (...)
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    Belief and Resistance: A Symmetrical Account.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 18 (1):125-139.
    Questions of evidence—including the idea, still central to what could be called informal epistemology, that our beliefs and claims are duly corrected by our encounters with autonomously resistant objects —are inevitably caught up in views of how beliefs, generally, are produced, maintained, and transformed. In recent years, substantially new accounts of these cognitive dynamics—and, with them, more or less novel conceptions of what we might mean by “beliefs”—have been emerging from various nonphilosophical fields as well as from within disciplinary epistemology. (...)
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    Event Semantics: A Husserlian Critique.Andrés Colapinto - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (2):123-143.
    Event semantics is concerned with the formal structure of sentences which appear to describe an event of some kind, e.g. ‘Brutus kills Caesar,’ or ‘My tooth fell out.’ Phenomenologists should be interested in work in this field, if they hope to rescue Husserl’s phenomenology of judgment from its narrow focus on copular judgments of the form ‘S is p.’ An adequate phenomenology of judgment must ultimately develop an account of judgments whose intentional correlates seem to be events, rather than states (...)
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    Origine della geometria e Origine dell’opera d’arte: riduzione, verità e storia in Husserl e Heidegger.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):105-118.
    Origin of Geometry and Origin of the Work of Art: Reduction, Truth, and History in Husserl and Heidegger Husserl’s The Origin of Geometry and Heidegger’s The Origin of the Work of Art were surprisingly developed in parallel and deal with the same subject, the question of the origin: of a science, in one case, and of the artwork, in the other. From their comparison, the different conception that Husserl and Heidegger have of origin and truth clearly emerge. It concerns what (...)
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    Mimetic Sadism in the Fiction of Yukio Mishima.Jerry Piven - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):69-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MIMETIC SADISM IN THE FICTION OF YUKIO MISHIMA Jerry Piven New York University Mishima Yukio (1925-1970) was one ofthe mostenigmatic authors of the 20th century. Novelist, playwright, actor, exhibiionist —his novels are rife with homoerotic and violent imagery, while his fanatical and nihilistic philosophy calls for a return to a Samurai ethos. Mishima thus attained infamy in Japan and in the West, as his shocking novels inspired hordes ofyoung (...)
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    The Micro Potential for Social Change: Emotion, Consciousness, and Social Movement Formation.Summers-Effler Erika - 2002 - Sociological Theory 20 (1):41-60.
    Can one explain both the resilience of the status quo and the possibility for resistance from a subordinate position? This paper aims to resolve these seemingly incompatible perspectives. By extending Randall Collins's interaction ritual theory, and synthesizing it with Norbert Wiley's model of the self, this paper suggests how the emotional dynamics between people and within the self can explain social inertia as well as the possibility for resistance and change. Diverging from literature on the sociology of emotions (...)
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    Experiments In Democracy.Barry Allen - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (2):75-92.
    I take a skeptical view of the experimentalism Dorf and Sable advocate. I discuss three kinds of doubts: Doubt about the idea of “best practices”; doubt about their understanding of scientific experimentation; and doubt about the value of the Constitutional reform they envision. Their program reduces democracy to competitive rituals and managerial predation. The imperative of comparison threatens practice with destruction. “Benchmarking” is a machine to destroy divergence. To compel such comparison with the force of law would be a catastrophe (...)
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    ‘Pragmatics First’: Animal Communication and the Evolution of Language.Dorit Bar-On - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-28.
    Research on the evolution of language is often framed in terms of sharp discontinuities in syntax and semantics between animal communication systems and human language as we know them. According to the so-called “pragmatics-first” approach to the evolution of language, when trying to understand the origins of human language in animal communication, we should be focusing on potential pragmatic continuities. However, some proponents of this approach (e.g. Seyfarth and Cheney Animal Behavior 124: 339–346, 2017) find important pragmatic continuities, whereas others (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    The Syncretic Swing of Faith in Maddoa: Islamic and Buginese Theological Assimilation in pinrang's Harvest Festival of Indonesia.Indo Santalia, Muhammad Ilham Thamrin & Barsihannor Barsihannor - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):24-44.
    Expressions of gratitude to God or any divine deity varies in each community, and often evolves from simple acts to complex rituals across different traditions. One such ritual is the Maddoa tradition of Pinrang community, Indonesia, practiced prior to a planting season, as an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT, especially by those whose occupation is agriculture. This study examines how the maddoa' (traditional swing) ceremony reflects a blend of cultural practices and broader Islamic theological perspectives in Pinrang, Indonesia. (...)
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    Beyond Heaven and Earth: A Cognitive Theory of Religion.Kevin Schilbrack - 2023 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 44 (1):98-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beyond Heaven and Earth: A Cognitive Theory of Religion by Gabriel LevyKevin SchilbrackBeyond Heaven and Earth: A Cognitive Theory of Religion. Gabriel Levy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2022. 249 pp. $45.00 paperback; open access.The interdisciplinary field of religious studies includes both the humanities and social sciences in a tricky detente. Some religion scholars focus on interpreting texts, teachings, and rituals in an effort to grasp what religious (...)
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    Sentence Processing and Syntactic Theory.Dave Kush & Brian Dillon - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey (eds.), A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 305–324.
    In the 1950s, Noam Chomsky offered a new vision for linguistic research and syntacticians. This chapter explores some ways in which Chomsky's linguistic work has influenced research on one domain of linguistic performance, sentence processing, over the last half century. It shows that Chomsky's claim in Aspects of the Theory of Syntax is largely borne out: "the study of performance will proceed only as far as the study of the underlying competence permits". The chapter briefly addresses a question about the (...)
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    The gift of logos: essays in continental philosophy.David Edward Jones, Jason M. Wirth & Michael Schwartz (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The Continental tradition has always placed great emphasis on the Logos. The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy celebrates and situates this emphasis in the genre of the gift and its giving. The process of receiving, or giving, of the gift overcomes the existential alienation and separation that is so present in the human condition. To ritualize giving and its gifting is to provide a syntax of solidarity that bespeaks our desire for cohesion and need for identities beyond our (...)
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    Drinking to Get Drunk: Pleasure, Creativity, and Social Harmony in Greece and China.Sarah Mattice - 2011 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 3 (2):243-253.
    This essay examines the multifaceted roles of drinking parties in early Greece and in medieval China. It takes as paradigm examples descriptions of ritual intoxication in Plato’s Laws and in the poetry of Ouyang Xiu and Mei Yaochen, arguing that these divergent cultural and philosophical traditions can be both related and made distinct through concepts of pleasure, creativity, and social harmony.
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    Styles of Discourse.Ioannis Vandoulakis & Tatiana Denisova (eds.) - 2021 - Kraków: Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
    The volume starts with the paper of Lynn Maurice Ferguson Arnold, former Premier of South Australia and former Minister of Education of Australia, concerning the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life) that was held from 25 May to 25 November 1937 in Paris, France. The organization of the world exhibition had placed the Nazi German and the Soviet pavilions directly across from each other. Many papers are devoted (...)
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    Understanding the Chinese Mind: The Philosophical Roots.David Wong & Robert E. Allinson - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (3):527.
    This book review outlines and comments on the ten sections of Robert Allinson’s edited collection, Understanding the Chinese Mind: The Philosophical Roots. It begins with John E. Smith, whose essay presents three types of intercultural scholarly occurrences: parallels and agreements, divergences, and conflict. Next is Robert Neville, who discusses common ontological and cosmological themes in Confucianism, Daoism, and Sinicized Buddhism. General themes are then tied to Plato and the mystical side of Western monotheistic religions. In the following essay, Chad Hansen (...)
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    Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Xunzi.Eric L. Hutton (ed.) - 2016 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This volume presents a comprehensive analysis of the Confucian thinker Xunzi and his work, which shares the same name. It features a variety of disciplinary perspectives and offers divergent interpretations. The disagreements reveal that, as with any other classic, the Xunzi provides fertile ground for readers. It is a source from which they have drawn—and will continue to draw—different lessons. In more than 15 essays, the contributors examine Xunzi’s views on topics such as human nature, ritual, music, ethics, and (...)
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    The Mimetic Sacred.Jeffery D. McNeil - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):103-129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mimetic SacredGirard and Bataille Transcending DesireJeffery D. McNeil (bio)René Girard's (1923–2015) mimetic theory and Georges Bataille's (1897–1962) theory of the sacred both describe an unwitting pull to violence fueled by an aspect of desire. This violence cannot be denied but may be channeled through ritual, resulting in social cohesion or utter catastrophe. Their theories also illustrate the contagious flow of affective violence between individuals, quickly infecting the (...)
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    Les « suppliciées de Fourni ». Réexamen médico-légal et paléopathologie.Philippe Charlier, Christian Le Roy & Christine Keyser - 2008 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 132 (1):617-637.
    The "decapitated of Fourni". A medical-legal and palaeopathological reexamination The two decapitated human skeletons discovered in 1960 in a bothros connected to the clearing of the latrines of the Maison de Fourni at Delos were published in 1973 (Études déliennes [BCH Suppl. I], p. 173-181) and have since led to divergent interpretations. They are here subjected to a new anthropolical study and, for the first time, to a palaeopathological examination, which leads to unexpected conclusions. Firstly, both victimes would have been (...)
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  43. Empty Cross: Nothingness and the Church of Light.Jin Baek - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    This dissertation contextualizes the emergence of the Church of Light by Tadao Ando within the Japanese religio-philosophical tradition of nothingness. The idea of nothingness was revived during the first half of the twentieth-century by Kitaro Nishida with two cultural ramifications in the post-war period: a series of dialogues on the points of convergence and divergence between nothingness and the God of Christianity, and an architectural art movement called Monoha, or l'Ecole de Choses. Under the concept of "structuring emptiness," Monoha attempted (...)
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    Sally Is a Block of Ice: Revis (it) ing the Figure of Woman in Philosophy.Robyn Ferrell - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (2):194-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sally Is a Block of IceRevis(it)ing the Figure of Woman in PhilosophyRobyn FerrellThere is a metaphor made famous in the analytic philosophical literature by John Searle et al.: “Sally is a block of ice.” I met this metaphor first as an undergraduate student in philosophy of language classes. I remember, then, feeling a wordless anxiety for Sally, for the “tone” of this example interrupting, but not interrogated by, the (...)
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  45. Evaluating Klossowski's Le Baphomet.Ian James - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (1):119-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 35.1 (2005) 119-135MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Evaluating Klossowski's Le BaphometIan JamesLiterature, under historical conditions which are not simply linguistic, has come to occupy a place which is always open to a kind of subversive juridicity. [...] This subversive juridicity supposes that self-identity is never assured or reassuring.—Jacques Derrida, "Préjugés: Devant la loi"The ControversyOn 14 June 1965, Roger Caillois resigned from the jury of the prestigious Prix des Critiques. (...)
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    King of the Wood: The Sacrificial Victor in Virgil's Aeneid (review).A. M. Keith - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (2):317-320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.2 (2003) 317-320 [Access article in PDF] Julia T. Dyson. King of the Wood: The Sacrificial Victor in Virgil's Aeneid. Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture 27. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2001. xii + 264 pp. Paper, $19.95. In this interesting study, Julia Dyson argues that the cult of Diana Nemorensis constitutes a crucial intertext for the interpretation of Aeneas' killing of Turnus at the (...)
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    Playing with Time. Ovid and the Fasti (review).Sara Mack - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):149-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Playing with Time. Ovid and the FastiSara MackNewlands, Carole E. Playing with Time. Ovid and the Fasti. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1995. Pp. xii 1 254.I learned a great deal from Carole Newlands’ Playing with Time about a poem with which I have always had difficulty. Newlands takes the Fasti seriously as a poem. She sees it as an artistically shaped creation, not a mishmash of (...)
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    Speaking Images. Chomsky and Ricoeur on Linguistic Creativity.Walter B. Pedriali - 2017 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (1):83-109.
    Linguistic creativity is the ability to understand indefinitely many previously unencountered sentences. In this paper, I compare Chomsky’s and Ricœur’s contrasting conceptions of this ability, in particular, their divergent views of nonsense. With nonsense, it seems as if syntax is outrunning semantics. Chomsky took this to show that syntax is autonomous of semantics. I propose a reading of Ricœur’s work on metaphor whereby Chomsky’s thesis is modified so that syntax and semantics are declared to be ultimately co-extensive notions.
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    Another Way from Davos.Ties van Gemert - 2022 - Geltung - Revista de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea 1 (2):1-34.
    In A Parting of the Ways, Friedman narrates the Davos debate as a catalysator in the genesis of two diverging trajectories within twentieth-century philosophy. In this paper, I introduce a participant of the Davos debate, Jean Cavaillès, who does not adhere to Friedman’s bifurcation and who was able to zigzag between the developments in phenomenology and logical positivism. To show how this French epistemologist was able to connect these two traditions, I detail Cavaillès’ encounter with the Vienna Circle, explicate (...)
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    Representing and coordinating ethnobiological knowledge.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84 (C):101328.
    Indigenous peoples possess enormously rich and articulated knowledge of the natural world. A major goal of research in anthropology and ethnobiology as well as ecology, conservation biology, and development studies is to find ways of integrating this knowledge with that produced by academic and other institutionalized scientific communities. Here I present a challenge to this integration project. I argue, by reference to ethnographic and cross-cultural psychological studies, that the models of the world developed within specialized academic disciplines do not map (...)
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